



A music player written with JavaScript and jQuery


This is the first and simplest iteration of Bloc Jams.

Streams audio, via Buzz audio, songs that are located on the site. The application is just one screen: a single album with five songs.

To choose a song, click on the song name or click on the next/previous buttons under the list of songs. A song must be playing for these buttons to work.

To pause a song, click on the song’s pause button, or the pause button at the bottom.

You may track to a different place in the song by using the long seek bar.

Adjust volume using the seek bar at the bottom right.

The application is generally broken down by

  • Album: the cover art for the album
  • Player: Buzz player controller
  • Song List: list of songs
  • PlayerBar: song controls: play, pause, seek, next, previous


This was one of the first projects in Bloc, and as such was a huge learning experience for JavaScript, jQuery, HTML and CSS. Prior to this, my knowledge of these were either sparse (HTML/CSS) or non-existent (JavaScript/jQuery).


jQuery, Buzz Player, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Ion Icons, Netlify, GitHub This project shows the practical application of several technologies:

  • jQuery
  • Buzz Player
  • JavaScript
  • Ion Icons
  • Netlify
  • GitHub


This was a really good project to get into new development technology.



  • Leave as-is