A Web-based, SPA song player written in Angular
AngularJS, Buzz Player, Node.js, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Ion Icons, Heroku, GitHub
A Web-based, Wiki-like SPA Wiki-like written in Rails
Rails, Ruby, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Devise, Stripe, Select2, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS, Heroku, GitHub
A Web-based, SPA chat room application written in React
React, Firebase, Node.js, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Ion Icons, Heroku, GitHub
A Web-based, Reddit-like SPA written in Rails
Rails, TDD with RSpec, Ruby, JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS, Heroku, and GitHub
A Web-based, SPA time managment system (Pomodoro) written in Angular
Angular, Firebase, Node.js, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Heroku, GitHub
Bro Science Trivia
An Alexa trivia skills application
Alexa, AWS and GitHub
Arizona Facts
An Alexa fact skill application
Alexa, AWS and GitHub
A Web-based, Pong game written in JavaScript using HTML5 Canvas
JavaScript, HTML5 Canvas, HTML/CSS, Heroku, GitHub
A Web-based, SPA song player written in React
React, Node.js, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Ion Icons, Netlify, GitHub
A Web-based, SPA chat room application written in AngularJS
Angular, Firebase, Node.js, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Heroku, GitHub
A Web-based song player written in JavaScript and jQuery
jQuery, Buzz Player, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Ion Icons, Netlify, GitHub